5:30 pm Community BBQ
5:45 pm Mutton Bustin’
6:00 pm Miss Black Hills Roundup Queen Coronation
6:30 pm Introduction of Ranch Rodeo Teams & Cowboy Auction
7:00 pm 15th Annual Black Hills Roundup Ranch Rodeo
Just what is a ranch rodeo? In many ways it harkens back to the roots of the Black Hills Roundup when working ranch skills were put to the test in competitions for the enjoyment of spectators. Ranch rodeos are events in which traditional working cowboys gather to compete and demonstrate skills that are used every day in cattle ranching operations. Although there are some similarities to rodeos that people are normally accustomed to seeing, ranch rodeo events typically use combinations of roping, horsemanship, and ground-working skills to create a more genuine presentation of real-life ranch work. The equipment and tack used in ranch rodeos is the same
as that used by the cowboys back on the ranch. In contrast, traditional rodeo events use specialized tack and riggings that are not used on the ranch. Bucking stock are not used in ranch rodeos unless the ranch rodeo contestants unintentionally provide their own.
Another difference between ranch rodeos and traditional rodeos is that most of the events in traditional rodeos are events for individual competitors. There are no events for individual competitors in ranch rodeos. Teams usually consist of four cowboys. A typical ranch rodeo will have four or five events. Each team usually has a maximum time limit of two and one half minutes to successfully complete each event. Mutton busting will also be a part of the ranch rodeo.